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Mpumalanga Province:



Mpumalanga, which means ‘land of the rising sun’ in SiSwati - one of the local languages, is one of the tourism hotspots in South Africa. Not one of the most developed provinces with large cities and towns, but rather Mpumalanga offers a very wide range of experiences closer to nature and is known as the province where safari experiences have been perfected.


It is bound by Mozambique and Swaziland in the east and Gauteng in the west. It straddles the escarpment between the Drakensburg and the Lowveld and so has very different characteristics on the opposite sides of the province. The Lowveld area allows for lots of game-viewing and the Highlands offers horse trails, hiking, river rafting and many other outdoor activities.




Mpumalanga has got summer rainfall with hot summers and is very humid especially in the lowveld regions. The winters are relatively mild in lowveld regions. The western side of Mpumalanga, on the highveld escarpment is drier, hotter and much colder in winter than the rest of the Mpumalanga province.


African Elephant in Mpumalanga Baobab in Mpumalanga Animals at sunset in Mpumalanga Gariep Dam in South Africa

'© South African Tourism


Top Destinations:



The capital city of the Mpumalanga Province, Nelspruit is a major stopover point for tourists travelling to the Kruger National Park and to Mozambique.


Kruger National Park


The world-renowned Kruger National Park offers a wildlife experience that ranks with the best in Africa. Established in 1898 to protect the wildlife of the South African Lowveld, this national park of nearly 2 million hectares, SANParks - Kruger National Park is unrivalled in the diversity of its life forms and a world leader in advanced environmental management techniques and policies.







Sabie is a popular tourist destination with breathtaking nature scenes and spectacular water falls in pristine mountain streams.  The tourism infrastructure is well developed with a number of accommodation establishments and restaurants.





White River


White River, with three irrigation dams and a number of nearby forest, is a popular holiday destination for those looking to enjoy the splendour of the Crocodile River Valley, and the town has a reputation for its arts and crafts.





Main Attractions:

Kruger National Park


As one of the major tourist attractions of the country, the world famous Kruger National Park is one of South Africa’s finest assets offering opportunities of seeing the Big Five, the incredible bird life and the beautiful flora and fauna nature has to offer.


Sabie Sand Game Reserve


The Sabie Sand area is renowned for its amazing accommodation, boasting the best African game lodges in the world. It is positioned right in the middle of fabulous scenery of the Drakensburg escarpment, surrounded by waterfalls, forests and beautiful views. The Sabie Sand Nature Reserve has a reputation of offering the best game viewing to be found in the whole of South Africa.


Blyde River Canyon (Gods Window)


Blyde River Canyon is the largest vegetated canyon in the world, it is lush and green boasting a variety of beautiful plant and animal life. The Panorama Route takes in some of these beautiful sights, also in the Canyon is Bourke’s Luck Potholes and the Three Rondawels and of course the beautiful view called God’s Window. Blyde River Canyon offers fun for the whole family to enjoy.


Mpumalanga Game Reserves


Being the safari capital of the country, Mpumalanga offers many opportunities to view the incredible wildlife in their natural habitats. Along with Kruger National Park, many smaller national parks and private game reserves and luxury lodges are to be found in this beautiful province.